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Q: How does it work?
A: Simple! When you order your books, select “Rental” as opposed to “new” or “used.” That’s all you have to do. Whether you are picking up your books in the store or having them shipped to you, your books will be marked as rentals and set aside for you!


Q. When do I have to return my rented books?
A: We know you got your books to study for your tests, so we make sure you get to keep them as long as they’re needed. The book is yours to study with until the last day of finals week.


Q. How do I return my book?
A. When the time comes to return your book, just bring it into the store and we’ll return the book for you. You’ll get a receipt for confirmation that your book was returned.


Q. Can I return my books back after hours?

Yes, you can! You can utilize our return drop box after hours! It is located on the side of our building beside the drive-thru! Please, make sure your name is on your books before you return them.


Q. Can I return my books by shipping them?

A. You can, but you must have the books postmarked by the rental due date or you will get charged $9.95 per course as late fees.


Q. Can I write/highlight in it?
A. You can, but please do so as little as possible. Rentals are intended for multiple users, so please return the book in good condition for the next renter!


Q. The book was damaged… what can I do?
A. Hey, it happens! Light damage on books is acceptable (highlighting, bent corners, etc). If the book is too damaged (stained, torn, water-damaged, pages ripped out, smoke damage, etc...) we will charge your account for the price of the book minus what you’ve already paid for the rental, so you’re just paying the difference. The book is then yours to keep!


Q. My book was stolen/lost… what can I do?
A. If your book is stolen, you can replace it with an identical book. If you are unable to find a replacement, it’s okay, we will charge your account for the price of a new book minus what you’ve already paid for the rental, so you’re just paying the difference.


Q. What if I want to keep my book?
A. Just call us and let us know that you would prefer to keep the book. We will charge your account for the price of the book minus what you’ve already paid for the rental, so you’re just paying the difference.

Rental Agreement

By rental of any textbooks from Textbooks Brokers, you agree to be in abidance with the following rental rules and regulations:

  • I am at least 18 years old on the day of the rental.
  • I am entering into a Rental Agreement with Textbook Brokers of my free will.
  • I will return rented materials to Textbook Brokers by the return date posted on my receipt. Textbook Brokers is not responsible for reminding me of the rental return date and is not responsible for returns lost or damaged in shipping.
  • I understand the materials rented to me remain the property of Textbook Brokers.
  • I am fully responsible for the condition of the materials rented to me and for payments of fees and replacement if materials are lost, stolen, or returned in unacceptable condition.
  • If I fail to return rented materials by rental Due Date, or return them damaged or unusable, I authorize a charge to me of the remainder of the retail price of the book, in addition to a processing fee of 7.5% of list price.


Pay Later!

Have you heard about our Deferred Payment Program?

Getting late financial aid? Waiting for that next paycheck? We know you have homework and tests, and
you’ve got to have your textbooks to do it. With our deferred payment method, you can order your
books and pick them up today and pay for them when your money comes in.


How it works:

Our “Rent Now, Pay Later” option allows you to rent or buy your books now and not have to pay us until a later date. This allows you to get your books now and not get behind in class or on homework. On a specific date, we run the credit card number you enter when you check out. This awesome option allows you time to get your financial aid money from the school, get paid from your job, get money from mom or dad, or any other reason you need to wait to pay us.


The Deferment Date for Fall 2024 is September 6th, 2024


What if I don't pay my account on time or don't pay?

If for any reason you neglect to pay on your charge account or your charge account becomes past due, your deferred charge account is subject to be sent to our collections agency. The past due or negligent charge account is sent to collections in order to collect the debt owed to Textbook Brokers. The signed customer will be responsible for court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, and collections agency fees up to 50% of the amount sent for collection


What if I decide I want to keep my books at the end of the semester?

No problem, just let us know which books you want to buy and we will just charge you the difference at the end of the semester. This allows you to save money by renting all of your books and gives you time to see which books you really want to keep.